Beauty intrend Skin with collagen is the main protein component of the skin of the body. This proficiency is the network layer of skin. And a protein critical to the strength of the vessel wall. And helps build the tension to tighten the skin. It beauty intrend works in conjunction with another protein called elastin.Factors that can cause degradation of collagen. is. Free radicals are caused by pollutants such as cigarette sun contaminants in food. And metabolism in the body to changes in hormones in the body. And at age20. years.Production of collagen in the body decreased dramatically increased with age. Without collagen skin firming will be used to dip past Have more wrinkles. Flexibility and reduced moisture of the skin. Addition of collagen to the skin so hopefully result in slow wrinkle in the medical community can do this beauty intrend by injecting collagen by medical professionals. In cosmetics, it is bringing to the collagen mixture.Observed from a specific label of ingredients. Beauty intrend Hydrolyzed Collagen Elastin Collagen Pro AHA.In addition, eating foods that contain various antioxidants, which help slow the breakdown of collagen and reduces the occurrence of cancer in the body as well. Antioxidants such as beta carotene with pumkin, vitamin C, Vitamin E, a powerful substance. To eliminate free radicals, increase the strength properties of tissue collagen and elastin.